Tuesday 23 July 2013

Historical topic: Turkish Occupation

The Ottomans occupied the city after a long siege in 1543.

The city remained under Ottoman occupation for 145 years, until 1688, except for a short period in 1601 when it was re-occupied by an army led by Lawrence of Brindisi. The Ottomans destroyed most of the city, they demolished the cathedral and the royal palace, and they pillaged the graves of kings in the cathedral.

The two excisting Turkish cultural heritage site in Székesfehérvár are the Turkish garden and the Arpad bath.

Intercultural topic

Ecological thinking

In Portugal, Spain, Romania, Italy, and Sweden we recycle waste, use renewable energy such as wind energy and solar energy and wave energy is more common and wide spread in Portugal, Spain, and Italy where it is under development. In Portugal it is important because it is so close to the sea and due to the risk of raising sea levels. The government plays an important role. These countries also recycle medicines and waste and especially in Sweden they make energy out of food waste. This is to some extent present in Bulgaria. In Italy recycling is not as widespread. In Turkey it is mainly companies that lead the way for recycling. In Turkey and Portugal plastic bottle caps are recycled by companies and with the money they buy wheelchairs etc for injured people.

Idea: policies to increase public transport and change the minds of people; make it convenient for the passengers.

Make a flashmob about caring about the environment, eg. Not to drop trash on the ground. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiIe6AuQwio

Cultural values: family life

In Sweden, Portugal and Spain adoption by homosexual couples has been approved. In these countries the parents share the responsibility, out of the months that the parents can stay at home when a child has been born, the parents can choose how to share the responsibility. In Sweden 2 months are fixed to each parent. Parents get aid from the government for every child, money which the child later gets as long as she or he is studying. In Sweden children move out after high school, either start working to then travel or start studying at the university. In Turkey the age is about 25 while it in Portugal can be up to 30 years. In Bulgaria and Turkey women are in charge of the children, raising them and about their education and other household things.

Interview 1: Man middle aged, Hungarian

In this city kings and queens were crowned, in the Orb building. For a long time the city was the capital of Hungary. The statue of Kafi Nemi was a real woman selling fruits and more in the streets. It represents the tradition of the markets in the city. In this way the women were able to show their products in the markets. I still remember that when I was a child I have seen these market-women were similar with similar clothes to the ones on the statue of Kafi Nemi.

Interview 2: Student 22 years, Hungarian

Unfortunately ecological thinking is not typical in my country. The people are rarely thinking about ecology. In my hometown more people separate their garbage but it is more difficult in the villages. In school the teaching about ecology varies, I think the teachers teach this in primary school but not in high school.

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